One of the things that we love most about vaping (other than fact that it is healthier than smoking and cheaper) is that there is so much choice. You can choose to discover new flavours, you have the choice of devices, whether you want high VG e liquid or ones with more PG and of course, vaping on the go has never been easier.
Public Vaping
When the Go Smoke Free legislation went live back in 2007 public smoking became a no go. Smoking on public transport, in public areas such as concert halls, on train platforms and similar, in pubs and cafes and more were all banned. Smokers were also prohibited from smoking at work. Vaping, however, is not included in any of these bans, purely because smoking and vaping are nothing alike!
There isn’t any risk to the public from passive vaping (proven scientifically) and Public Health England has announced their findings that vaping is at least 95% less harmful than smoking is. At least. Vaping on the go is much more socially acceptable though obviously, vapers need to be aware that public building and private businesses have the right to dictate whether vaping is allowed inside or not so do check if unsure before loading up your less than one pound e liquid and enjoying a flavourable draw.
In the Car
Vaping in the car is not illegal. It is worth considering however whether doing so will impede your visibility! If you are a high VG e liquid vaper or enjoy a sub ohm vape it is probably not a good idea to vape in the car. If you were found to be driving in a dangerous way (i.e. with much-reduced visibility) or in an accident when vaping you could find yourself facing a dangerous driving charge.
If you vape sensibly when driving there’s no reason why you can’t continue with this, and of course, in-car e cigarette battery chargers can offer a brilliant way to ensure you are charged up if you are in the car a lot.
Travelling Abroad
Most airlines are more than happy for people to travel with e cigarettes and cheap e liquids, as long as the liquids are stored as per airport rules. Do check how to pack your e cigarettes beforehand and with each airline to avoid any delays when checking in and boarding.
Whether vaping abroad is allowed will depend entirely on where you are going. While vaping is a global sensation and enjoyed by millions it is worth remembering that not all countries and provinces are pro-vaping. Indeed, it can be illegal in some places with confiscation of kit, fines and more being the consequence if you break the rules. Always check for up to date vaping information in advance to make sure that your vaping on the go experience doesn’t end up causing you unwanted drama.
Safe Vaping on the Go
You know those few sensational media headlines about vapers having an explosive time of it? What the papers rarely report is the fact that these things happen due to user error. For example, walking around with loose spare batteries in your pocket (e cigarettes are powered by powerful lithium batteries much like mobile phone ones) you are running the risk of causing an incident such as this. Similarly, make sure your e cigarette is properly switched off and therefore can’t be accidentally activated in your pocket.
There are plenty of e cigarette cases and ways to enjoy vaping on the go safe.
Vaping on the Go: In Summary
If you want to enjoy vaping on the go and out and about, it’s worth taking note of the information and advice above. Be safe and of course be courteous to others around you. While vapour is not the same as smoke that doesn’t mean that people around you want to be enveloped in a cloud of blackberry scented vapour.
Currently, Public Health England, supported by many health, science and research professionals, are lobbying the government to improve access to vaping, making it allowed in the workplace for a start. This means that while vaping on the go is much more acceptable than smoking right now, it could very well become even more so in the not too distant future.