The New Year is fast approaching which means that this is traditionally the time that many people will start thinking about their New Year Resolutions. If like many of us here at 99p e liquids you find that setting these resolutions seems to set you up to fail then perhaps now is the time to think about your most important goal differently, especially if that goal is to be smoke free in 2019.
Quitting smoking is hard for some many reasons. Not only does the body become used to the chemicals contained with tobacco cigarettes, it also gets used to nicotine alongside the physical smoking habits (hand to mouth actions) and social aspect. With all of this stacked against smokers wanting to give up smoking, it is easy to see why quitting isn’t as easy as many might imagine. Don’t give up on that goal though, as there are more ways to quit successfully then there ever have been, including using vaping as a smoking alternative. You can be smoke free in 2019 with a little help.
Why Give Up Smoking
We’re pretty sure that most people know that smoking is bad for health and we’re not a company who is going to preach at you about giving up. What we will do is share a few facts. Did you know that the World Health Organisation (WHO) has classified many of the chemicals found within tobacco cigarettes as being toxic? Not only toxic though but as having the potential to cause cancer (carcinogenic).
Did you know that smoking is bad for your budget? With a pack of twenty cigarettes in the UK costing around ten pounds each the cost have smoking can have a seriously detrimental effect on your budget. Smoking five packs a week will cost £50, that’s £200 a month unless you are a heavy smoker which will cost you more.
Did you know that smoking costs the NHS billions of pounds a year on hospital admissions, appointments, scans, clinics, prescriptions and more all linked to smoking?
On top of this do you realise that smoking has a serious effect on the environment, not just the air pollution but also the littering that occurs due to smoking. Even butts that are discarded in the rubbish bin don’t start to decompose for at least eighteen months and each one can take as much as a decade to decompose fully (remember than decomposing doesn’t mean that it doesn’t leave anything harmful to the environment behind as part of the process).
Why Choose Vaping
Clearly giving up smoking is something that you should do and is more than likely something you want to do. Giving up is hard though and it may be that you’ve tried in the past and been unsuccessful. Now is the time to try again, only this time give vaping a go. Switching to vaping enables you to walk away from harmful tobacco smoking effects, allows you to enjoy a relaxing hobby with tasty e liquid vapour, mirrors the hand to mouth and inhale/exhale actions that you know so well and it is significantly cheaper in the long run.
Smoking numbers in England are down to a level that is the lowest ever recorded since smoking number records begun. There are many reasons for the decline in smoking numbers however it is no coincidence that the fall correlates with the rise in vaping popularity. While not (yet) recognised as an official cessation device many are turning to vaping to help them give up smoking after other methods of quitting haven’t worked. Many charities and health organisations are keen to advocate towards vaping as a smoking alternative.
*Remember, in order to reap the rewards that come with giving up smoking you need to give up completely, not vape and have a couple of sly cigarettes on the side.
What the Experts Say
If you want to be smoke free in 2019 then vaping is a good option to explore. Switching to vaping from smoking offers many benefits, health-related and otherwise. Public Health England, the government group responsible for all things public health-related, from health campaigns to collating research to make government recommendations, have put out a call in support of vaping as a smoking alternative.
Earlier in 2019 Public Health England (PHE) released a long-awaited review into vaping in which they announced findings that vaping is at least 95% less harmful than tobacco smoking. It has been hinted upon by interested parties that the remaining 5% can’t be added until vaping studies have been completed over an even longer period of time but many hope that this will eventually change the 95% to 100%. PHE have lobbied the government in order to push for e cigarettes and e liquids to be available on prescription and for the community at large to have more accessibility to vaping, including at work. This, experts say, will make vaping more attractive than smoking and will encourage many to switch ove, further reducing the number of people smoking harmful tobacco cigarettes.
PHE is not the only organisation that are pro-vaping, Cancer Research UK amongst other key charities are also keen to push for vaping to be offered instead of smoking as they too recognise that from a harm reduction point of view this is by far the best option.
Be Smoke Free in 2019 : In Summary
You understand why smoking is a bad idea, why vaping is a good alternative, how you can save yourself money and of course reduce the impact on both the environment and the NHS (and your health). If you truly want to be smoke free in 2019 don’t make it another New Year resolution, take action now. Buy a basic starter kit and get started. A kit will have everything you need tech-wise to get started. You might just need to buy some cheap e liquid to get you going (our better than one pound e liquid may be cheap but it is also fabulous quality).
Don’t make giving up smoking another goal you push to another year. Twelve months of further damage can be avoided if you switch to vaping now so that you may be smoke free in 2019.
Good luck!