Is anyone else sick of seeing negative headlines about vaping? We’ve shared our opinion of the way that the media reports on all things vaping before. This blog post is a little different though. Here we look at the good things about vaping rather than dwell on the myths, mistruths, misunderstandings and lies floating about. Hopefully, some of these will help you or people you know look again at vaping with fresh and unbiased eyes.
Vaping is Not The Same as Smoking
This in itself is something to celebrate. When it comes to smoking and vaping there has, in the past been much confusion over what the differences are. Thanks to word of mouth, public health campaigns and the widespread adoption of vaping more people know the truth.
Smoking is the act of breathing in and exhaling the smoke of a lit tobacco cigarette. According to WHO, the World Health Organisation, this smoke contains many toxic and harmful chemicals. With vaping, the smoke is replaced with a vapour produced by the heating up of e liquid (which doesn’t contain toxic chemicals). While the hand to mouth actions etc may seem similar, at the core of things smoking and vaping are very different. This is why using e cigarettes can be good for those looking to give up smoking.
Good Things About Vaping: E Cigs Can Help People Quit Smoking
The number of adults smoking in England right now is now lower than any recorded number since smoking statistic records began. This is excellent news, to say the least. Public awareness of the harm-related issues associated with smoking tobacco cigarettes has, of course, had a lot to do with this downturn. The Go Smoke Free legislation that went live in 2007 certainly hasn’t hurt. The fact that smoking numbers falling as vaping numbers have risen is not a coincidence either.
Many stop smoking services now advocate for the use of e cigarettes as a device to help smokers give up when NRT and similar traditional quit smoking therapies haven’t worked. One PCT even trialled giving a one-time-only £25 vaping voucher for use in local vaping stores for those who were struggling to quit despite attending the stop smoking clinic. These vouchers were to be used to purchase a basic vaping starter kit. The team behind this trial found this scheme to be hugely successful.
Public Health England, the organisation responsible for harm reduction and all public health matters in England, including awareness, are keen advocates for e cigs. Their stance is that vaping is at least 95% less harmful than tobacco smoking is and that e cigarettes are a valid alternative to cigarettes and one which can help smokers walk away from smoking for good. Indeed, PHE are even working to have e cigarettes recognised as official cessation devices so that they may be prescribed as part of stop smoking services instead of nicotine replacement therapy where appropriate.
The realisation that vaping can be a useful tool in helping smokers quit smoking is good news. Switching to e cigarettes means avoiding nicotine withdrawal (you can reduce or remove the nicotine over time) which is an issue for some. In addition to this using an e cigarette offers would-be ex-smokers something no other cessation method does. Studies have shown that there are many factors which make quitting smoking difficult. Nicotine is the most obvious one as it is known to be addictive. Withdrawal from nicotine can cause heightened cravings. Nicotine is not the only factor at play though.
Smokers walking away from smoking have to deal with losing the physical habits that come with smoking, i.e. the hand to mouth action, having something in their hand, the inhale and exhale and of course the social aspect. The fact that e cigarettes offer all of this and more are just some of the good things about vaping.
So Many Ways To Customise Your Vaping Experience
One of the reasons (the many reasons) smokers find moving over to vaping so exciting is the fact that unlike cigarettes, there is so much variety. You can customise your vaping experience in so many ways. Even better, it doesn’t have to cost a fortune either. Here are just a few ways that you may change up your vaping hobby to suit your needs and to amplify your enjoyment.
Choose From So Many Flavours
To say that there are plenty of favours available is a huge understatement. For ex-smokers who are looking for tobacco flavours there are plenty of tobacco tones available. Like a fruity vape? Citrus, berry, tropical tastes, you name it, it is available. There are sweet treats, milkshakes, menthol and icy tones and these are just a few. The key to finding the perfect e liquid flavour for you is to not be afraid to try something new. Thankfully the 99p price tag on these e liquids are more good things about vaping for everyone to enjoy.
Control Your Nicotine Intake
Nicotine is another Marmite subject. Some love it, some hate it. The truth is when you switch from smoking to vaping you can maintain the level of nicotine you were previously used to. This helps cut cravings dramatically. After a while, you are free to increase and decrease your nicotine gradually (don’t jump up in strength as too much nicotine at once when you aren’t used to it can make you feel pretty sick). Some people decide after a while to wean themselves off nicotine altogether and enjoy zero nicotine e liquid instead.
Enjoy Freedom Smokers Don’t
If you a smoker you will already know that there are a number of legal restrictions on where and when you can smoke. This is to protect those around smokers (passive smoking is harmful). You can’t smoke on public transport or in your own vehicle if a minor is present. Smoking is prohibited at work, in bars, cafes, restaurants and in numerous different public buildings and spaces. The law that governs this ban is the Go Smoke Free legislation and vaping doesn’t fall under it. While vapers still need to be courteous of others and adhere to the rules about vaping owners can set on their own property generally speaking vapers have a lot more freedom. There is no passive-vaping issues surrounding e cigarette use as vapour possesses no ability to harm non-vapers who breathe it in. This is yet one more point on the list of good things about vaping.
Good Things About Vaping: In Conclusion
Once upon a time, the list of good things was much smaller than the list of bad things as far as public perception goes. Thankfully we are now in a position where the benefits of vaping vs continuing to smoke are well recognised, proven by science and backed up numerous authorities, including Public Health England. Outside of the fact that vaping is clearly a cleaner hobby than smoking is vaping offer so much more. It helps people quit smoking who otherwise wouldn’t have managed, it saves you money as compared to smoking, vaping offers so much customisation and much more. The list goes on. So, next time you see a negative vaping review or biased headline, share this piece or something else which offers to the positive side of vaping.