Giving up smoking at any time of the year is a good idea. The damage that smoking tobacco cigarettes cause to health is well documented. Quitting in autumn does offer extra benefits too. We look at the way that quitting smoking by switching to vaping during the autumn season can help make your chances of quitting successful and long-lasting.
Make The Switch Before the Christmas Parties
A large part of what makes quitting smoking difficult isn’t just nicotine withdrawal, it is a physical and mental withdrawal from tobacco smoking. By this, we mean losing the physical habits such as the hand to mouth action, the act of inhaling and exhaling and of course the social aspect. If all of your peers are smoking and you are trying to quit it can make it harder to stay cig-free.
Thankfully switching to vaping addresses many of the issues that you might otherwise struggle with. When vaping you don’t lose the relaxation, the inhale/exhale, having something in your mouth or the nicotine. When choosing to use an e cigarette and e liquids you are also in charge of the amount of nicotine that you use. This means that you can avoid nicotine withdrawal and then, if wanted, gradually reduce your nicotine usage over time.
The social aspect isn’t as much of a problem either as vaping is incredibly popular. Switching over during the autumn though allows you to really get used to vaping and fall in love with your new hobby before the party season. That way, when it comes to all of the social events, work parties and so on that you might usually attend during the Christmas party season you are armed and ready to go with your e cigarette when others whip out their tobacco cigarettes. Who knows, you might be the example of vaping enjoyment that encourages some of them to switch over.
Quitting Smoking With The Aid Of Stoptober
Every October Public Health England runs a very successful and highly supportive campaign that encourages smokers to split up with their smoking habit. This is a proactive campaign which looks at fun and inventive ways to make October the month that you quit for good. There is an app, there is a website, Facebook groups and more. So many people choosing to give up smoking together at the same time offers group accountability, inspiration and motivation.
The Stoptober campaign has proven to be highly successful in the past, helping many people walk away from smoking and improve their health.
As part of the campaign, Stoptober and the NHS suggests numerous tools and tricks to help you successfully quit. One of the recommendations they make, alongside NRT and others, is to try using an e cigarette. This can help you quit by allowing you to beat cravings. Smokers can either using an e cigarette to wean themselves off cigarettes until they then use nothing or switch from tobacco cigarette smoking to vaping completely to enjoy a hobby which PHE report is at least 95% less harmful than smoking tobacco and which is the better and preferred alternative.
Switch To Vaping in Autumn and Save Money For Xmas
As soon as the leaves start turning red and golden most of us are on the countdown to Christmas and if you have presents to buy that means spending more money. Vaping generally costs significantly less than smoking cigarettes. With a mid-brand packet of twenty cigarettes now costing between £9-£10 each smoking has become a prohibitively expensive habit. If you smoked just three packets of twenty cigarettes a week that equates to over £1500 a year. Many regular smokers go through more packets that this a week.
While starting vaping may cost a little more than a packet of cigarettes and a lighter (basic starter kits start at between £20-£25 and have all the kit you need including a charger), an e cigarette will last significantly longer than a packet of e cigarettes. On top of this, you will also find that you don’t need to replace the e cigarette very regularly, just top up e liquids. Of course, the more advanced your vaping hobby becomes the more you will pay out but even then it is unlikely to cost you anywhere near as much as smoking would have done.
If you are thinking of quitting smoking anyway Autumn could be a great time for you, especially if you put the difference between what you would have been paying for cigarettes and what you are paying to vape in a jar or an account. You will very quickly see your savings add up which could come in handy with Christmas around the corner.
Switch To Vaping in Autumn: Autumn Flavours
One of the most wonderful things about vaping, other than the fact that it is much better for you than smoking, of course, is the variety. You can choose from numerous different types of e cigarette devices, decide on your nicotine strength and of course choose from hundreds of different e liquids. There is no wrong time to vape any of the many cheap e liquids that we have on offer. That said, if you are looking for something seasonal, there are many tastes which fit in really well at this time of the year.
If you are looking for autumn e juice inspiration think about cinnamon tones, peppermint, luxurious roll-over-the-tongue caramels and chocolates, vanilla or even a woody tobacco e liquid flavour.
No New Year Pressure
One very valid reason for choosing to give up smoking or to switch to vaping in autumn could be that you don’t face the New Year resolution pressure. Does anyone else struggle with that? Stopping something or starting something on the first of January may work for some people but for others, it can make the task harder than it needs to be. In addition to that, if you give up smoking on Jan 1st and slip on the 7th, your New Year resolution is “broken”. We don’t like that! Find a time best suited to you, in order to ease the pressure and make switching to vaping or giving up smoking another way more pleasurable.
Switch To Vaping in Autumn – In Summary
If you have decided to give up smoking, good on you. It isn’t always an easy decision to make but the health, wealth and of course the environmental benefits are often the motivating factors needed to get you going.
Whether you quit or swap is up to you. Choose a time when you feel that you are in the right mindset, pick a special date or just do it. Make the change on your own or gain extra support via a Stop Smoking group or perhaps by taking part in a public stop smoking campaign such as Stoptober. However giving up smoking looks for you, whether that is switching to vaping or just cutting out cigarettes, we wish you all the very best. Your health and your budget will thank you for making the right decision.