Vaping Legalisation for Australia

vaping legalisation

Thanks to much research and a wealth of verified health statistics which simply can’t be ignored, smoking is now very well known to be harmful to health in a number of ways. The World Health Organisation, for example, have classified a great number of the ingredients in tobacco cigarettes as being toxic and potentially cancer-causing. These findings have encouraged a push for vaping legalisation.

Health organisations across the world are clamping down on smoking hard. It makes little sense to some then that Australia still hasn’t legalised vaping, despite it being a valid and healthier alternative.

Vaping is widely recognised as being a great alternative to smoking, allowing smokers to continue a hobby they enjoy without the dangerous chemicals that are damaging their bodies, the environment and more. Moving over to vaping is the smarter and the healthier choice. We certainly aren’t the only people who think so.

There have been many voices lobbying the Australian government, calling for vaping legalisation in order to encourage more people to quit smoking by switching over. One such voice is that of Professor Hayden McRobbie of Queen Mary University. Professor McRobbie has been very proactive in calling for the government to reconsider their stance on smoking, stating that it has the potential to save lives.

There can’t possibly be a better motive than that, surely? Perhaps money is an issue? If so, surely drastically reducing the number of people smoking, or even eliminating the habit entirely eventually, would be good for the health ministry’s bank? Smoking-related illnesses and diseases cost the budget a vast amount of money each year, not least the cost to human life.

The University of New South Wales School of Public Health having also urged the government to reconsider their stance, enabling the legal sale of nicotine-containing products.

Many are somewhat bemused about Australia’s stance to date. New Zealand, faced with enough evidence to show that vaping can have a huge impact on successfully aiding smokers to quick smoking.  They also recognised that it is the cleaner alternative, have put plans in place to hopefully have a vaping legalisation start date very soon, perhaps as early as autumn 2018.

There is a wealth of data available now which supports vaping as being the 99p e liquid bananafar healthier alternative. Studies show that vaping has helped smokers quit smoking for good. Many suppose that the issue the Australian government still has with vaping is the addictive nature of nicotine. This in itself can be overcome. Aside from the fact there are additional verified reports which show that nicotine is not toxic or harmful (unless you ingest it), when people choose to vape they can choose the vape nicotine free e liquids. One of the most attractive things about e liquids is that as well as the flavours, you may choose to vape at different nicotine levels. Being able to gradually reduce the amount of nicotine used will make it a lot easier to wean off nicotine.This is much better than going cold turkey which rarely works.

With so much research and so many key figures, both at home and globally advocating for e cigarettes being used as a healthier alternative to smoking, we can but hope that Australia soon changes their stance.