Vaping is all about your enjoyment. No-one would vape if they hated it and it didn’t make them feel good. With that in mind, we look at how you can look after your eliquids better so that you can enjoy the very best vape possible. Storing e liquids effectively can make all of the difference when it comes to enjoying premium vapes without any disappointment over spoilt e liquid or altered flavours.
There are so many e juice flavours out there, from dessert favourites to tobacco tones and some more obscure flavour combinations that have been carefully crafted by expert mixologists in order to maximise your pleasure. Why then would you not look after them and not prioritise storing e liquids to keep them fresh and tasty?
Storing e liquids properly doesn’t take much effort or special equipment. They don’t take up space in your fridge either. Keep reading and we’ll make sure you know exactly how to keep your e liquids in tip-top form.
Storing E Liquids: Where?
You don’t need a locked e liquid room, you don’t need a high-end safe or a refrigerator dedicated solely to e liquids, far from it. All you need is somewhere cool, dark and not smelly (more on this below). The top couple of shelves in a pantry or a kitchen cupboard will do. A box with a lid or a small cupboard with solid doors would also work well.
Unless you really want to don’t bother designing anything special or buying anything that is more than a lightproof box with a lid or similar.
It may be advantageous to buy something with a lock so that children can’t get into your e juice stash. Both pets and children are at real risk of becoming seriously ill if they ingest e liquids due to the nicotine they contain. If nothing else make sure that you are storing e liquids somewhere well out of reach of the most adventurous children and pets!
What Can Affect E Liquid Quality?
When it comes to storing your e liquids you need to keep them away from sources of heat, direct sunlight and even air. More details on the why and how of these below.
If you don’t look after your eliquid collection their quality will be diminished, you won’t enjoy the same flavours and you will likely have to either throw some out or replace them more frequently due to evaporation.
Opt For Dark Corners and Closed Storage
Bright light can affect e liquids in a negative way. When exposed for any length of time e liquids will soon start to break down within their bottle. This weakens the flavour they offer when converted to a vapour. With this in mind, you should look to store your collection somewhere away from the light, even when on the go. If you carry an e cigarette around with you use a sealed case. This will stop the e liquids you carry becoming affected and will keep your device safe and to hand.
Keep E Cigarettes Away From Heat
While you don’t need to keep your favourite dessert flavoured e liquid in the fridge you don’t want to store it near the cooker either. When exposed to heat the liquid will start to break down (hardly surprising given that when you heat them in your e cig they turn to vapour). The result of an e liquid breaking down will be the loss of flavour and therefore lower enjoyment levels. That’s not what you were looking for when you switched over to vaping. Storing e liquids somewhere cool is recommended.
Don’t forget that the same applies when you are vaping out and about. You certainly wouldn’t want to be storing vaping liquid in your car’s glove box, for example. Heat aids evaporation so you could find that your e liquid levels are reducing if you do. Look out for a change in colour, particularly e liquids becoming darker. This is a good indication that they have been exposed to too much heat and/or light. They won’t be dangerous to use but are unlikely to be very nice.
Seal Up Your E Liquid Vials Properly
Unless you are into steeping it is a good idea to make sure that you keep the lids tightly closed on your e liquids. When these vape juices are exposed to air they will start to oxidise. This means that they will reduce down, become stronger, sometimes bitter and certainly not nice to vape with.
If you are unlucky enough to experience ejuice oxidisation and find you can still enjoy the resulting flavour you are fortunate. Do, however, check your bottles and/or tank as you will probably find that you have less e liquid that you thought you did. Replacing or topping up your e liquids more than you would usually do is just a waste of money.
Storing E Liquids For Maximum Pleasure: In Summary
If bitter and dark e liquids are your thing, ignore this blog post. If, however, you are looking to enjoy your vaping experience as much as possible, take note. Vaping is easy to get to grips with however you do need to be mindful of how you store your flavoured e juice collection. Not only can heat, air and light significantly reduce their quality, storing e liquids effectively ensures that they are safe and secure.
As above, you don’t need to fork out for fancy storage. You simply need somewhere cool, dark and away from gale-force winds to keep your e liquids fresh and ready to produce some seriously tasty vapours. It might be an idea not to store them near anything that has a potent smell such as cleaning fluids or paints/varnishes too as this might taint them, especially if lids are not as tight as they should be.
With this in mind make sure your lids are indeed properly closed and that your pets and children can’t access them. Having done this you will have ticked the storing e liquids properly box. It really is as simple as that but do make sure that you follow these top tips as this will ensure that your vape is as fabulously tasty as you were hoping it would be.