How’s that for a title for you? The thing is, here at 99p e liquids we really do believe that vaping is awesome and we’re going to tell you just why that is.
First of all, can you remember when vaping first came out? It was seen as another new trend, something novel and something unlikely to survive the test of time. Fast forward to modern times and the vaping industry is booming and is most definitely here to stay. When it comes down to it vaping is awesome in so many ways and here are a just a few.
Vaping Isn’t Smoking: This is a Good Thing!
Smoking is bad for you. Very bad. In fact, when it comes down to it smoking can kill you. Studies have shown that smoking causes cancer, numerous lung-related illnesses and diseases and can be a contributing risk factor to many other unhappy consequences. The World Health Organisation (WHO) has analysed the chemicals found within tobacco cigarettes and they class many of these as toxic. In addition to this WHO has found that tobacco smokers can be as much as twenty-two times more likely to develop lung cancer as opposed to non-smokers.
Clearly, smoking is not good which is why we are so happy that vaping isn’t smoking, despite the fact that many people are still confused about the differences between the two. When you vape you inhale a fabulously flavoursome vapour which is produced by heating up e liquids. There is no smoke and there are no nasty chemicals. An e liquid contains base liquids (usually vegetable glycerin and propylene glycol), water, flavourings and nicotine, unless it is a zero nicotine e liquid. Vaping is most definitely not smoking which is why it is so popular with the powers that be….
Vaping Has Official Support
We are not the only ones who feel that vaping is awesome. Many health-related charities, scientists, researchers, NHS personnel and even Public Health England support vaping as a useful and successful alternative to smoking tobacco cigarettes. Indeed, after much research, Public Health England released a vaping review last year (2018) publicly supporting vaping. PHE hail it as being at least 95% less harmful than tobacco cigarettes and have forged forward with plans to lobby the government to make it more accessible. The plan is to have the UK Government officially accept and adopt e cigarettes as medical devices to be used to help individuals quit smoking. Having ecigs classified this way would make it easy for GPs to issue e cigs on prescription in the same way that they do Nicotine Replacement Therapy.
Vaping Helps Quitters Quit
Clearly there are many good reasons to give up tobacco smoking. Not only is the danger well known, thanks to numerous public health campaigns and more, but the cost of smoking alone should also be enough to make some people walk away. It really isn’t that easy though.
When you give up smoking you don’t simply give up one thing, no, that would be far too easy. Experts tell us that there are numerous factors to consider when supporting someone who is giving up smoking, both physically and mentally. The issue that is best known as being a barrier to quitting smoking is the nicotine content in tobacco cigarettes which is known to be addictive. Nicotine withdrawal is only one part of the puzzle though. There are other chemicals your body gets used to which it will now miss (despite these chemicals being incredibly bad for you), you miss the relaxation it offers, the simple act of having something in your hand, the inhale and exhale and more. This is where vaping comes in.
E liquids contain nicotine in varying strengths which means that if you switch over you can match the nicotine level that you are used to and therefore won’t experience nicotine withdrawal. This is a big thing in terms of making it easier to walk away from smoking permanently. Better yet, if you want to you are able to reduce the amount of nicotine you vape gradually by choosing different strengths over a period of time until ultimately you are ready to vape zero nicotine e liquids, if that is your goal. Vaping is awesome at offering alternatives to all of the different things that are make giving up smoking so difficult.
At last count there were fewer adults recorded as being smokers than there has ever been before, or rather since the keeping of such records began. Vaping cannot take the credit for all of that but it can some of it. It’s no coincidence that vaping has risen in popularity as smoking has declined.
Vaping Costs Less
The cost of smoking tobacco cigarettes has risen sharply over the past decade, making it a very expensive habit to have. A mid-range packet of twenty tobacco cigarettes can now cost up to £10 a packet. It certainly isn’t cheap to smoke. How does vaping compare? It comes out quite nicely price-wise. Yes, when you start vaping it costs a little more than £10 to get started, but not much. There are starter kits which are literally “plug and play” and some that just need e liquids to go with them, both starting from £20. These starter kits last a lot longer than forty cigarettes do, that’s for certain.
There are running costs associated with vaping, obviously. Thankfully when you can choose from our cheap e liquids which are made from top grade ingredients and produce an awesome vapour your consumables are much more affordable long term than smoking is. The exact amount you would spend on vaping would depend on your personal preferences, how heavy a vaper you would be and more. It’s going to work out a fair bit cheaper unless you are someone who buys all of the things all of the time and plan to have each and every new device, mod or accessory as it comes out. That would be a little extreme perhaps.
Vaping Offers The Ultimate in Personalised Enjoyment
If we were all the same what a dull and grey world we would live in. Variety truly is the spice of life and as individuals, we all have our own likes and dislikes. With vaping you can identify what you like and what you don’t, producing a bespoke experience that is just perfect for you.
Choose Your Flavours
There are so many flavours of e liquids available. Perhaps you are a fruity vape fab or maybe you fancy the tobacco tastes? Many of our customers enjoy a menthol vape, finding them energising and satisfying at the same time. Whatever your flavour taste is, be it sweet or something with more of a kick, you can choose whatever takes your fancy.
Choose Your Base Type
An e liquid base is made up of a mixture of propylene glycol and vegetable glycerine in different ratios. High VG e liquids, those with more VG in them, tend to be smoother and offer a thicker, fuller vapour. When you want big vape clouds you choose a high VG e liquid. E liquids with more PG in them tend to be a little harsher which suits some people and not others. If you enjoyed a fairly firm throat hit when smoking PG could work for you. E juice with more of a PG base of even 50PG/50VG e liquids tend to have a brilliant clarity of flavour.
Choose Your Nicotine Level
We’ve touched on this above but yes, another thing that confirms that vaping is awesome is the fact that you can completely customise the amount of nicotine you use in your device. There are a number of strength levels available as well as zero nicotine tastes. This type of customisation is simply not available when you are a tobacco cigarette smoker.
Choose Your Device Type
There are very simple e cigarette devices and there are ones that are packed with features, with everything in between to choose from. This article would become an essay if we delved into the many e cigarette device choices that you have and so we’ll just say that you are spoilt for choice.
Needless to say, when vaping you are in complete control of your vape experience, which is just as it should be.
Vaping is Awesome: In Conclusion
Are you convinced yet? If you aren’t yet we’re not sure what else we could say. You might still be concerned about some of the bad things that you’ve read on Facebook or the wider internet about vaping but there are also many articles (with independently sourced evidence) that debunk these vaping myths. Personally, we’d rather depend on the advice from Public Health England than we would a tabloid with a flashy headline.
The fact that we think vaping is awesome is fairly obvious. What do you think? Having read this blog post are you nodding in agreement as a vaper yourself or as someone thinking of getting started, i.e. “newbie” at the moment, we wonder if your perception has altered at all?
Vaping has a lot to shout about so if you enjoyed this blog post please feel free to share it with your contact. If it opens one person’s eyes and encourages them to think about giving up smoking it was worth writing!