If you are a festival-goer you’ll more than likely already have your tickets bought and your wellies polished off. The UK festival season is underway and so we thought that a blog post on festival and vaping could be quite timely. Whether Glastonbury is your kind of event or you prefer the more rustic, smaller festivals, the rules for vaping are often much the same.
Check the Festivals and Vaping Rules
While vaping isn’t regulated in the same way that smoking is, i.e via the Go Smoke Free regulations that have effectively banned smoking in a number of public places and on public transport, it is up to individual businesses and property owners as to whether vaping is permitted. Now, festivals and vaping is a little different to vaping in the office at work, however, it is important to check out the rules for the event you are attending in advance.
It may be that you are allowed to vape in the open air but not inside communal tents. To avoid confusion or embarrassment make sure you research festivals and vaping in your area in advance and maybe ease off on the big vape clouds in a denseley populated area!
Be Courteous
When it comes to festivals and vaping it is important not only to follow the rules but to consider others around you who may not vape. It would be very rude for a smoker to be smoking next to a non-smoker inside a beer tent and while vaping doesn’t pose any harm to passive vapers that doesn’t mean that it is “ok” to blow big vape clouds around inside a combined space or even in a queue. A big vape cloud infused with sweet e liquid vapour might be something you loved to have wrapped around you but it isn’t necessarily the same for others. Ask if people mind you vaping, don’t be obnoxious with big vape clouds and generally just be considerate to others around you. It is your choice to vape and it is their choice not to.
Another way that you may be a courteous vaper is to make sure that you are careful with glass tanks and e liquid bottles and that all of your rubbish (vaping and otherwise) go into the correct bin/recycling box.
Festivals and Vaping: What To Take
Depending on how long the festival is, and whether you are going to be there for a while, it may be worth making sure that you have spares to keep you going, especially if you are someone who tends to vape more in social situations. Make sure that you have plenty of e liquid to keep you going, a spare tank perhaps and certainly spare charged-up batteries. Make sure that they are all well-contained in a suitable kit or container so that nothing gets damaged. Don’t forget other basic maintenance items such as wipes and/or tissues to keep your e cigarette clean when refilling with new e liquid.
It may also be worthwhile considering an e cigarette lanyard or similar if you are someone who is likely to put your e cig down or it may fall out of your pocket! Festivals get pretty busy and the chances of yours ending up swamped with mud or being stamped on is pretty high if you don’t have it well-contained/safe.
Festivals and Vaping
The general rule of thumb is that you are vaping at a festival that you should firstly check the rules set out by the event organisers. This is always the best place to start. Secondly, make sure that you have all of the kit that you are going to need for the duration of the event (and the journey home). If this means packing a travel charger for the car, so be it! Lastly and very importantly, make sure that you are mindful of other festival attendees!
Don’t flood everywhere with thick vapour when in a crowd. If you are vaping in a busy outdoor area it might be worthwhile switching the high VG e liquid which produces those big vape clouds for ones with more PG in them. Otherwise, find a less populated space to vape. Festivals and vaping go together well. Make sure that you vape responsibly so that organisers don’t feel pushed to ban smoking for future vaping!