Generally speaking, vapers have a much better reputation that smokers in a social sense. A lot of this is to do with the fact that there is so much more knowledge about the dangers of smoking as a whole and particularly the dangers of passive smoking. The Go Smoke Free legislation that went live in 2007 has also had a lot to do with making smoking seem less socially acceptable. After it being proven that vaping offered no risks to non-vapers and Public Health England being happy to get behind vaping with flavoured e liquids as an alternative to cigarettes, vaping started to be seen as the positive hobby that it is. There’s always one though and in this case, it was one who ignored the “Don’t Vape and Fly” rules.
Who Did What in the Don’t Vape and Fly Saga?
Recent reports tell us that a passenger onboard a Spirit Airlines flight decided that the “don’t vape and fly” rule didn’t apply to him. First up there were the sneaky draws on his e cigarette and trying to hide that fact by breathing the vapour into a bag. You have to give the guy points for optimistically believing that he could get away with vaping onboard a flight that way.
From what we can gather he was given a warning and reminded of the no-vape rules in place. Had he stopped then all would have been ok. He didn’t. This gentleman just couldn’t wait and so decided to go and vape in the plane bathroom. Again, we’re not sure how he thought he’d get away with that but his actions setting off the onboard smoke detectors blew his cover once and for all.
The pilot has to descend thirty five thousand feet in order to switch the smoke alarm off. The vaper was not popular. The allegedly intoxicated gent was met by law enforcement when they landed but as he was cooperative he was released without any charge. He has earned himself a lifetime ban from Spirit Airlines though, all because he couldn’t accept the fact that the don’t vape and fly rule applied to him as much as it did other passengers.
Why is This Newsworthy?
Normally this would be the chip-paper tabloid story of a kerfuffle in a plane and of someone who ought to know better. Add vaping to the mix however and the story becomes more popular and less helpful. Believe it or not, mainstream media seem to be quite happy to make mountains out of molehills when it comes to vaping and that can be quite dangerous in terms of spreading mistruths about vaping.
It is no coincidence that the rates of adult smokers in the UK has dropped significantly in recent years at the same time as the popularity of vaping has skyrocketed. Of course, vaping can’t take all of the credit here as there have been some excellent public awareness campaigns that have helped to educate people about the dangers of smoking. It is a contributing factor though.
When there is negative press or misinformation about flavoured e liquids and so on, it reduces the likelihood of some smokers switching to vaping, meaning that they will likely continue with their harmful (and potentially lethal) habit. Breaking the don’t vape and fly rule and having a sneaky vape in the loo onboard a flight doesn’t sound so funny or clever now, does it?
Other Problems Associated With Ignoring the Vaping Rules
In this case, the vaper in question didn’t put anyone in harm, although we’re sure he ruffled some feathers. What his actions could have done was impact on vaping and travel as a whole. It doesn’t take much for airlines to make changes to their rules, which could include whether or not you can fly with e cigarettes in your hand luggage.
As it is there are many locations, in the US and abroad who are nowhere near as accepting or as welcoming to vaping as the UK are. In order to ensure that countries on the fence about allowing vaping in their area don’t decide to clamp down and ban vaping altogether, we need to try and avoid “Don’t Vape and Fly” rule-breaking incidents such as the one recently reported.
Don’t Vape and Fly: In Conclusion
What could be a funny story to some could have a significant effect on others. Don’t break the vaping rules, be courteous and the vaping community will continue to grow, maintain or even build on the positive reputation it has in most areas and with most people. If in doubt about whether it matters if you or someone else is not being a “good” vaper, consider how annoying it would be if vaping was reclassified and banned from public use under the same or similar legislation as tobacco cigarettes are now. A negative reputation could have an impact on the cost of vaping in the future. Think of how heavily taxed tobacco is now.
This isolated incident may not seem like it could have much of an effect on the future of vaping, however, one more incident, then another, then another soon adds up to negative press. Don’t vape and fly and do continue to enjoy your big vape clouds without any unnecessary drama.